
Berlink is a German organization with a consolidated experience in organising qualified professional, educational and work placement experiences in Berlin.

The aim of the company matches with the general goals set by the Erasmus Plus programme: improving the quality and the volume of mobility and cooperation between educational institutions and enterprises across the EU.
Berlink has in fact a strong collaboration with a wide network of local companies and is actively involved in EU projects that compile innovative experiences and good practices on active participation of SMEs as host partners in mobility projects. Thanks to a solid network of international partners and an ongoing process of transnational experiences exchange, Berlink is able to provide work placement experiences with a relevant impact on the learning process by applying innovative methods (ECVET system implementation) and common approaches to plan and deliver successful training on the job preparation for work experiences. Berlink is very active in the participation of European projects with the aim to enhance the development, transfer and implementation of innovative practices, fostering the use of ICT in education, training and labour market.

Berlink is part of “ETN Network” with companies in Italy (Rimini and Potenza), Spain (Malaga), Bulgaria (Sofia), UK (Portsmouth and Bournemouth), Germany (Berlin) and Ireland (Cork).


Escuela De Arte San Telmo

The School of Art San Telmo is a prestigious public vocational and training provider located in Malaga, in the Andalusian Region.

The teaching activities offered by the school cover secondary and tertiary level of education in a variety of disciplines related to arts, design and fashion. The School can count on more than 60 professors with a wide range of knowledge and expertise which guarantees the school’s high quality of teaching. The School is located in the university district, close to the city center, and its facilities include modern spaces for the organisation of conferences, events, exhibitions. The School provides laboratories for teaching activities and research in the field of photography, decoration, fashion, design. The School can count on a diverse student body in terms of background and interests, and its educational offers includes highly specialised courses and strong connections with local businesses and organisations, leading to an high rate of employment among graduates.

Overall, the School of Arts San Telmo builds on 160-years history and teaching experience as its activities started in 1851. It was founded as the School of Fine Arts under the tutelage of the newly founded Academy of Fine Arts. Both were located in the building of San Telmo, a Jesuit convent on Compañía Street. In 1900 San Telmo was renamed School of Arts and Industry after that in 1906 the first workshops started in order to align the School with their European counterparts. In 1910, a new reform differentiated school’s teaching activities between scientific-industrial and artistic-industrial streams. In regards to the teaching of art, the School has always adapted to city’s demands, such as through the establishment of the degree of Graduate in Applied Arts, in response to local demand for new professionals. Since the 2012/13 academic year, the School has also been appointed for the awarding of Bachelor Degrees in Graphic Design and Fashion Design.



The Riga Technical School of Tourism and Creative Industry was founded in 1980.

The School has developed through the years and today is a modern professional education competence center leader in the HoReCa VET sector. It is among the largest state vocational education institutions in Latvia educating ~2000 students and employing 250 teachers and staff members.
The Riga Technical School of Tourism and Creative Industry is a state-funded secondary vocational education institution providing state accredited education programs at 3rd and 4th European qualification levels (EQF) for graduates of primary and secondary schools. School provides education in HoReCa field, tourism, commerce, beauty care, fashion and interior design. The School offers flexible forms of tuition, besides traditional education forms implementing work-based education and modular programs.
Practical training in Riga Technical School of Tourism and Creative Industry is organized in close relation to the real work environment. The School has its own training café as well as pastry and bakery workshops and provides banquet service, which is part of catering students practical training. The School has a student hostel that makes education available for students from distant parts of Latvia and allows the school to host students from other countries in the most convenient way. The Riga Technical School of Tourism and Creative Industry is a member of international non-governmental organizations AEHT (Association of European Hotel and Tourism Schools) and C.H.A.S.E. (Consortium of Hotel and Tourism Schools in Europe).

C.H.A.S.E. comprises 19 European VET colleges and organizations; partners cooperate under Erasmus+ projects (previously – Leonardo Da Vinci) since 1990 implementing high quality long term, currently Erasmus+ PRO, mobility of VET learners, along with short term mobility and staff mobility. Partner schools in C.H.A.S.E are actively working with ECVET assessment in HoReCa and food production fields. Furthermore, AEHT gathers ~430 schools and non-governmental organizations from 44 countries and creates links between VET institutions around the world initiating cooperation on international level. Among other VET initiatives, two of the largest activities of AEHT include the annual VET competition and the event Christmas in Europe. In May 2016, the Riga Technical School of Tourism and Creative Industry approved its “Internationalization Strategy 2016 – 2020” at the Ministry of Education, while in the beginning of 2016/2017 academic year the school was awarded with the VET Mobility Charter.



The Association of Educational Games and Methods (ISMA) is an non-governmental organisation.

The objectives of organisation are following: 1. To bring together developers of educational games and methods;
2. To promote a culture of using games and methods in educational processes;
3. To identify needs of different sectors for development and adaptation of educational games and methods;

4. To support and promote the development and dissemination of new educational games and methods;
5. To integrate the experience of other countries in the field, disseminate up to date information and educate other games’ and methods’ developers;
6. To participate in the development and adaptation of modern curricula in educational institutions, youth centers, other organisations and institutions;
7. To organize supporting events for staff of education, youth, non-governmental organisations and other stakeholders to introduce them to and provide an advice on the use of educational games and methods in teaching and learning practices;
8. To develop cooperation with other associations in Latvia, Europe and the world;

Since its establishment, the organisation has been actively involved in activities and projects related to educational games, games’ development and adaptation to learning and occupational processes, the promotion and integration of gamification approaches of educational and work-related processes. Latvia has witnessed rapid growth in the integration of educational games and gamification approaches in the work-related and study-related processes over the last four years. it has also seen a a significant increase in the number of methods and gaming projects developed. ISMA is actively working to bring together Latvian methods’ and games’ developers and to jointly promote the game culture in educational processes. ISMA is also engaging in activities to educate and raise awareness of educators, adult educators, youth workers and those interested in a variety of fields on how to integrate educational games and methods as well as gamification approach into learning and work-related processes. Since 2019, ISMA has been the coordinator for the EPALE platform (European Adult Education e-Platform) in the Riga region. It processes gathering of the information and posts on the platform, cooperates with adult educators and organizes various informational activities.

In addition, the association organizes conferences and seminars and one of these well-known events is “Tool fair” – a practical seminar aiming to introduce game-based educational methods and their use in educational practices, and to introduce practitioners from different fields with different educational games developed in Latvia. The direct audience of these seminars are employees from educational institutions, youth workers, adult educators, career counselors, psychologists, social workers, tutors and trainers, youth support persons and others. More than ten “Tool fair” seminars have already been implemented and more than 1000 visitors have participated in these seminars. At the beginning of 2020, ISMA has registered the non-formal Adult Education Training Center “Center of Educational Methods” as educational institution.


Il Salone dei Rifiutati

Il Salone dei Rifiutati is a social cooperative founded in 2016 but its history goes back to 2008 when the members of the association La Luna al Guinzaglio (The Moon on a Lead), recognised as a Center for Environmental and Sustainability Education by the Basilicata Region, decided to organise a creative workshop. As such, Il Salone dei Rifiutati (‘The Hall of the Rejected’) started as a creative workshop aiming to find a way of bringing waste products and materials to a new life and shape. The Hall of the Rejected’s poetics stems from the charm of a broken object which can be seen as a condenser of emotions and wonders, a precious clot of time lived in opposition to the market which uses, consumes and throws everything away. In 2016 il Salone dei Rifiutati became officially a social cooperative in occasion of the opening of a new creative space: the MOON – Museo Officina degli Oggetti Narranti (Workshop Museum of Narrative Objects).

Il Salone dei Rifiutati runs the MOON, which is used for the implementation of different activities as it provides with:
– An exhibition-room with an open space where to organise exhibitions and live events.
– A fab-lab used to design and give birth to innovative ideas and interactive exhibitions. In fact, this spaces provide with technical and specialized assistance in the field of art and technological applications (such as augmented reality) and screens are available for presentations and learning activities.
– An emporium of waste materials , where these are conceived as useful resources. Visitors can find suggestions, curiosities, emotions and make unexpected encounters and materials used at the Emporium are adequately collected, exhibited and readily available to users. These materials often are scrap of industrial production or remainders from production which companies have provided to MOON free-of-charge and are made available to the Emporium.



Axonforce is a company specialised in providing advanced and innovative IT solutions in the field of education.

As such, Axonforce aims to respond to the challenges concerning new generations and the ways they interact in such a fast-paced and globalised world. Axonforce’s strength resides in the combination between its education-related and technical competences through which it aims to unleash the benefits of digital technology applied to the field of education.


Fundacja Salus Publica

Salus Publica is a Foundation for Public Health established in 2009 in Krakow.

The Foundation supports research on public health and the promotion of educational activities targeting children and young people, especially in rural communities and less economically developed regions of Poland. The Foundation maintains active collaboration and receives advice from researchers from University College London, Yale University, Harvard University etc.

Salus Publica collaborative projects focus on cultural, educational and economic determinants of health and demography of rural communities, with particular reference to women’s health and social standing. These activities resulted in several highly cited academic publications and received broad international interest in the media. The president of Salus Publica is a professor in the Institute of Public Health of the Jagiellonian University, while the Vice President is a professor at a local business school, which therefore ensures the high scientific quality of the projects in which Salus Publica is involved.

The Foudation has been involved, as a co-sponsor, in a number of research projects dealing with public health, mostly focusing on young people and women in southern Poland. The Foundation has also provided financial and organizational support to summer research projects, during which undergraduate and doctoral students from Poland and abroad receive field training and carry out their thesis-related research. Finally, Salus Publica has also sponsored participation of students in international scientific conferences.