The content of the project and its results has been created by the collaboration of the whole Playing 4 Soft Skills partnership: BERLINK ETN GmbH (DE), Fundacja Salus Publica (PL), Il Salone dei Rifiutati (IT), ISMA – Izglītojošo spēļu un metožu asociācija (The Association of Educational Games and Methods) (LV), Escuela de Arte San Telmo (SP), Riga Technical School of Tourism and Creative Industries (LV), Axonforce (IT). 
All the results are licensed under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-share alike 4.0 international

IO3 - Soft Skills Training Notebook

The Soft Skills Training Notebook is a key supporting tool for teachers in the implementation of the educational game developed as part as of the Playing 4 Soft Skills project.
This Output, in fact, aims to provide teachers with a comprehensive manual including the game pedagogical approach and transversal skills targeted, guidance on the facilitator role and supporting material for the evaluation of participants.
The Training Notebook is developed in order to ensure that teachers participating in the educational game will be fully informed and well-equipped in order to effectively act as facilitators, conduct a careful evaluation of progress made by participants and contribute in fulfilling the project objectives.

The Soft Skills Training Manual includes, among others, the following elements:

  • Pedagogical approach and learning objectives. This section will provide with an overview on the pedagogical and learning objectives linked to the educational game and will explore more in detail the ways in which the game aims to foster the activation and development of transversal skills.
  • Transversal skills targeted. This section will be based on the Soft Skills Evaluation Report and will comprise a clear definition of each transversal skill targeted, alongside with the set of parameters and indicators that teachers will have to look for during the assessment of progress made by students.
  • Teachers as Facilitators. This section will provide with further guidance on the facilitator role by explaining in detail the procedures that teachers will have to follow in order to support students during the learning activity and to provide with valuable feedback on participants’ progress.
  • Evaluation approach and supporting material. The final section will provide with relevant information concerning the evaluation framework of the learning activity and with guiding material for teachers to use for their evaluation of soft skills activation in participating students.

The Soft Skills Training Manual constitutes an innovative tool for teachers to be used in schools in the context of the new educational game developed by the project and it is available to any teacher or education provider willing to implement the project results in the context of their daily activities.

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