TGR Basilicata: "Playing 4 Soft skills: a school game"

The testing of our board game ‘Soft Skills Tree’ continues in the context of the european project Playing 4 Soft Skills , funded by the Erasmus Plus programme, which aims at supporting VET students in developing key soft skills necessary to enter the job market. Another game test session took place in Potenza, thanks to our partners Il Salone dei Rifiutati and Axonforce, who involved some students from the Technical High School “Felice Alderisio” of Stigliano.

Watch the video below from TG Basilicata to know more about the project!

Playing 4 Soft Skills, learn by playing

The "Felice Alderisio" Commercial Technical Institute of Stigliano took part in the playtest of our board game. They talk about it in an article in their school magazine